Church membership is one of the most personal and important decisions a family can make. Our pastoral team will be happy to speak with you and pray for you along the way. Once you are ready to proceed: There are two steps to becoming a member at Siloam:
Siloam Connections
Taught by our senior pastor, this course introduces you to the doctrinal beliefs and theological distinctives of our church, as well as opportunities for you to plug in and serve. There won’t be any tests or quizzes, but this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn about all things Siloam and ask any questions you might have in a laid-back environment.

Meet the Pastor
Church membership comes through either a profession of faith, transfer of membership from another Southern Baptist church, or by a statement of faith, perhaps from a church outside the Southern Baptist Convention. A member of the pastoral team would need to meet with you personally to explain these options, as well as answer any questions you might have about your own salvation or church participation.
After you have completed the steps to membership, we invite you to enlist in our REALM program to more closely connect with other members through contact information and to conduct other church business such as a review or print out your church contribution statements. You can access REALM by emailing your request to [email protected].