Pursuit of Holiness

Teacher: Pastor Eric Olson (Faith Hall)

Description: “The Pursuit of Holiness” is a transformative 12 week study by Jerry Bridges that challenges readers to pursue a life of holiness and grow in their relationship with God. Through practical guidance and biblical teachings, Bridges encourages readers to understand the importance of holiness and provides actionable steps to cultivate a holy lifestyle.

Expository Listening: Hearing & Doing God’s Word

Teacher: Pastor Troy Harrison (NW Room 303 by the cafe)

Description: The Bible teaches that purposeful listeners must partner with the faithful preacher/teacher so that the Word of God accomplishes its intended purpose of transforming their life. Pastor Troy’s class is designed to equip you not only to understand what true, biblical preaching and teaching sounds like, but also embrace how to receive it, and ultimately, what to do about it (James 1:22-25).

Explore the Bible: Exodus & Leviticus

Teacher: Leonard Carter (NW Room 326)

Description: Explore the Bible is the same curriculum we have been studying in Sunday School at Siloam for the past several years. This text-based study brings the Bible’s promises and commands to the forefront and equips Christ-followers to live on mission and in obedience.